Canyoneering The Narrows: How “Dune” Became My Adventure Guide
Matt Puchalski Matt Puchalski

Canyoneering The Narrows: How “Dune” Became My Adventure Guide

Embarking on a canyoneering adventure in Zion National Park's The Narrows, I found an unlikely guide: Frank Herbert's 'Dune.' From dressing like a Fremen to walking without rhythm, discover how this sci-fi classic became my real-world adventure manual. Life imitates art—even in the great outdoors.

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Gödel, Escher, Bach - The Roboticist’s Library #3
Matt Puchalski Matt Puchalski

Gödel, Escher, Bach - The Roboticist’s Library #3

In "Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid," Douglas Hofstadter weaves together the ideas of mathematician Kurt Gödel, artist M.C. Escher, and composer Johann Sebastian Bach to explore the nature of consciousness, creativity, and artificial intelligence. This Pulitzer Prize-winning book is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of art, science, and philosophy.

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Piranesi - The Roboticist’s Library #2
Matt Puchalski Matt Puchalski

Piranesi - The Roboticist’s Library #2

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke blows me away by its exploration of reality, perception, and human connection. As an engineer, I found it both thought-provoking and inspiring. Highly recommend it to anyone interested in expanding their understanding of the world.

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The Roboticist’s Library
Matt Puchalski Matt Puchalski

The Roboticist’s Library

As a roboticist and avid reader, I'm always seeking out new ideas and perspectives. That's why I'm excited to start a new blog series, "The Roboticist's Library," where I'll be sharing some of my favorite books and how they've impacted my work as a roboticist. From classic science fiction novels to technical manuals, I hope to share a diverse range of books that will inspire and challenge you. Join me on this journey through "The Roboticist's Library," and let's discover some great books together!

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the ocean seen from the top of a rocky outcropping

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